Sommeren 2024 tilbyr bedriftene på denne siden internship hos seg. Det er også her man får tilgang til søknadsskjemaene til bedriftene. Skjemaene åpnes etter matchmakingarrangementet 7. februar.
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Ledidi is a Norwegian software company offering a secure and seamless end-to-end solution for health research and clinical registries. Our SaaS platform empowers diverse users like Pfizer, Cornell University, Oslo University Hospital, and CMR Surgical by enabling collaboration and real-time data analysis.
We are a team of medical doctors, computer scientists, statisticians, and academics setting out to revolutionize the way we utilize registry software in medicine.
As we expand internationally, we're on the lookout for the next wave of talented individuals eager to make a difference. If you're passionate about software development and eager to learn, we want you on our core development team. Whether you're a seasoned coder or just dipping your toes into the programming world, we encourage you to apply.
Novartis er et nytenkende legemiddelselskap, og var først ute med nyskapende celle- og genterapier i Norge. Vi forsker og utvikler legemidler innen et bredt spekter av terapiområder, som kreft, kroniske- og sjeldne sykdommer, og vi er stolte av å være en konstruktiv samarbeidspartner som skaper nye løsninger i helsesektoren. I Novartis Norge har vi ansatte med bred kompetanse innen blant annet medisin, helseøkonomi, farmasi, finans, jus, markedsføring, regulatorisk, samfunnskontakt og kommunikasjon. Novartis er et globalt legemiddelselskap med hovedkontor i Basel, Sveits og har i overkant av 76 000 ansatte på verdensbasis. Novartis Norge har ca. 100 ansatte og blir ledet av daglig leder Veronika Barrabés. Vi holder til i hyggelige lokaler i Nydalen i Oslo.
I år har vi 6 prosjekter for studentene. Disse kan sees her:
Vi ser etter deg som er nysgjerrig, uredd og initiativrik. Du ønsker å lære, samtidig som du kjenner på et engasjement for innovasjoner i helsesektoren. Det er viktig for oss at du har gjennomføringskraft og kan ta et selvstendig ansvar for gjennomføring av et prosjekt. Vi ser etter studenter som er i utdannelsesløp innen bla: medisin, bio science, helseøkonomi, farmasi eller innenfor teknologiske / digitale løsninger. Vi ønsker at du har gjennomført minst to år av ditt studieløp. Erfaring fra helsesektoren er en fordel, men ikke et krav.
Bayer is a Life Science company with a more than 150-year history and core competencies in the areas of health care and agriculture. With innovative products, Bayer is contributing to finding solutions to some of the major challenges of our time. With life expectancy continuing to rise, Bayer improves quality of life for a growing population by focusing research and development activities on preventing, alleviating and treating diseases. Bayer is also making an important contribution to providing a reliable supply of high-quality food, feed and plant-based raw materials. Bayer has three divisions: Pharmaceuticals, Consumer Health and Crop Science.
This year we have 2 projects available for the students:
We search for persons that are able to work independently, who have an inner drive, is able to take lead on a project and who have collaboration and analytic skills. Students in several fields as mentioned above could be of interest for the company.
GreinDX is a start-up developing a ground breaking novel cancer liquid biopsy platform, allowing parallel capture and analysis of CTCs, ctDNA, exosomes and proteins.
We can offer internship addressing R&D activities related to 1) surface chemistry (monolayer of peptides on silicon surfaces), 2) hydrodynamics (blood/cells distribution over a porous silicon surface), 3) molecular and cell biology (peptide binding to cancer cells)
Project description:
GreinDX is dedicated to advancing healthcare through the development of a cutting-edge liquid biopsy platform. Our focus lies in isolating and studying crucial cancer biomarkers, including circulating tumor cells (CTC), circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA), extracellular vesicles (EVs), and circulating tumor antigens (CTA) from various bodily fluids, notably blood. At the core of our innovative approach is the integration of specially designed proprietary silicon discs, exclusive peptides, and expertise spanning physics, surface chemistry, optics, and cancer cell biology. By combining these elements, we are committed to pushing the boundaries of technology to contribute to the field of cancer diagnostics and treatment.
The internship at GreinDX offers a unique opportunity for students to engage in hands-on lab work. Participants will have the chance to work closely with our microstructured silicon wafer, delve into cell culturing, and gain practical experience with analytical techniques in molecular biology, such as western blotting, providing a well-rounded exposure to various aspects of laboratory research.
This internship provides valuable insights into laboratory procedures and fosters the development of both independent and collaborative skills. As a startup company, GreinDX encourages a dynamic and team-oriented environment, making this internship an enriching experience for aspiring students.
We are looking for students within the following fields: medicine/pharma biophyscics molecular biology biosciences
Chemical engineering company in the water and wastewater sector. Looking for scientists, engineers and marketing stars
Science and engineering internship developing models for soft sensors, or controlling PLC automation and alarm systems, all with live clients at municipal treatment plants in Norway or abroad, from our cloud system. Office in Oslo
Takeda is a renowned Japanese pharmaceutical company with a rich history dating back over 240 years. Founded in 1781, Takeda has grown to become one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, focusing on research, development, and manufacturing of innovative medicines. With a commitment to improving the health and well-being of people worldwide, Takeda specializes in therapeutic areas such as oncology, gastroenterology, neuroscience, rare diseases, vaccines and plasma therapies. Guided by their values of integrity, fairness, and perseverance, Takeda continues to make significant contributions to the field of medicine.
The students will actively participate in various projects, and our objective is to collaboratively develop and build these projects alongside them
Our main focus is on attracting students studying medicine, pharmacy, and nutrition. However, we are open to considering students from other disciplines based on the specific requirements of our projects.
Startuplab is an incubator and early stage investor for Norway's most ambitious technology startups. Read more here:
Startuplab Internship - AI Scout Startuplab (SL) is looking for student interns with interest in Artificial Intelligence (AI). We see more and more startups coming in to this field, and need someone that can: - Update and categorize all members and portfolio companies into various AI categories. - Search for new AI companies outside of SL - Make an overview of the Norwegian AI Landscape of Startups - Assist in organizing AI Meetups
Student with interest in AI
As young doctors, we know that stepping out of the study halls and into real-life patient meetings can be frightening, as practical medical training is sparse during the study program. To prepare medical students for real-life patient meetings and make them more confident in clinical decision-making, we have developed a digital simulation program with realistic patient case studies. Æira gives students volume training in transforming medical knowledge into diagnostic practice and clinical decision-making - equipping them with the skills required to deliver optimal patient care from day one. Our vision is to create efficient and stimulating learning tools that motivate students and prepare them to give high-quality care to tomorrow's patients.
The interns will take part in the development of the program, including the creation of patient cases and medical content. Interns will also have the chance to gather both quantitative and qualitative data, assess it, and present their findings
Medical students, educational technology and software developers
Ecura Bo og Habilitering AS tilbyr tjenester innen omsorg, miljøarbeid og miljøbehandling og er et av Norges ledende fagmiljøer innen disse fagområdene. Dette omfatter varige heldøgnstjenester i hjemmet, korttidstilbud og avlastningstjenester. Vi har pr. nå tjenester i 7 regioner; Region Møre, Region Midt-Norge, Region Vestlandet, Region Innlandet, Region Viken Øst, Region Oslo Viken Vest og Region Sør. Vi etablerer stadig nye tjenestetilbud og utvider vårt nedslagsfelt. Målgruppen er mennesker med sammensatte bistandsbehov og utfordrende atferd. Vi ønsker å gi våre tjenestemottakere muligheter for å leve fullverdige liv og samtidig skape trygge rammer for pårørende og oppdragsgivere. Vi yter tjenester med mål om samsvar mellom kartlagte behov, vedtak og den faktiske tjenesten personen får. Avdeling for Veiledning og Habilitering yter rådgivning, veiledning og miljøterapeutiske tjenester innen skole, hjemme hos foreldre/barn, i kommunale omsorgstilbud og for spesialisthelsetjenester. I tillegg yter avdelingen et stort omfang av kurs og kompetansehevende tjenester. Det er et viktig prinsipp i vårt samfunn at alle barn, uavhengig av utfordringer og diagnoser, får sin skolegang på den lokale skolen. Det fører naturlig nok til at skolene kan få utfordringer med å tilrettelegge for alle individuelle behov. Mange av barna og ungdommene har tidlig vist at de har behov for ekstra tilrettelegging, og for den eleven det gjelder, foreldrene og skolen som sådan, vil det ofte være avgjørende å tilrettelegge for alternative opplæringsmetoder og strukturerte verktøy så tidlig som mulig. En «vente og se» -holdning kan være svært uheldig for både individ og samfunn.
Avdeling Bo og Habilitering: Ivareta den enkeltes grunnleggende behov for omsorg og trygghet. Videre vil interns få anvende kunnskapsbasert og dokumentert effektiv metodikk for å etablere ferdigheter og endre utfordrende atferd. Metodene som anvendes for å øke selvstendighet og deltagelse i eget liv hos den enkelte som får tilbud hos oss, er basert på grundige kartlegginger enten det er rettet mot bistandsbehov i dagligdagse gjøremål, motivasjonstiltak eller reduksjon av utfordrende atferd. Avdeling veiledning og Habilitering: Våre veiledere og miljøterapeuter gjennomfører kartlegginger av aktuelle utfordringer, definerer mål, utarbeider tiltak og evaluerer effekten av disse. Dette arbeidet baseres på prinsippene i målrettet miljøarbeid. Som Intern vil en være med å utarbeide tiltak, utføre og evaluere disse. Arbeidet vil forekomme på arenaen barnet har bistandsbehov; på skolen, i hjemmet eller på alternativ Opplæringsarena.
Vi ser primært etter pedagoger og/eller spesialpedagoger.
Factiverse has built cutting-edge AI to protect businesses against the harmful effects of disinformation and AI hallucinations. We provide solutions for finance and media to verify crucial textual information, either news, reports or AI-generated content. We are based in Oslo and Stavanger.
We are looking for interns to join our team in the summer of 2024 to work on marketing, communications and product development tasks. Our company is B2B, and we sell API to leading CMS and financial platforms internationally. We need help with market research, website improvement, planning and writing 10-12 blog posts on different subjects, improving the website, testing our technology and troubleshooting, analysing and adding more training data to our AI, and as well contribute with ideas and other projects and participate in workshops.
Students with technical background: skills with front-end or back-end, and knowledge of at least 1-2 of these tools - Python, React, Javascript, Google Cloud, Terraform, MongoDB. Students with non-technical background: skills in communication, marketing and writing and knowledge of at least one of these Squarespace, Google ads, Linkedin, and Notion. We are also looking for students with an interest in digital literacy, critical thinking skills, ethics and digital trust.
Bio-Me is transforming microbiome analysis by making it possible to analyze hundreds of samples in less than a day, with high resolution and reproducibility and at an affordable cost. Combined with an exclusive biobank and extensive patient database, Bio-Me’s Precision Microbiome Profiling Platform (PMP™) enables the development of clinical tests that will improve health and well-being worldwide
Bio-Me’s Precision Microbiome Profiling (PMP™) technology is enabling rapid access to precise gut microbiome data, empowering researchers to undertake efficient and actionable microbiome analysis for a diverse array of research. PMP™ is a qPCR-based approach on Thermo Fisher Scientific’s OpenArray® platform. This allows PMP™ to deliver accurate and detailed information about the microbiome in a high-throughput format, which is readily available for interpretation, and in a faster timeframe than traditional microbiome analysis approaches. Currently, we have several internal R&D projects in mind to both validate some of our previous assessments, further optimize our protocols and expand our portfolio to other microbiomes markets. Which specific R&D project would be performed will depend on the personal interest of our interns and the interest of the company at the time of the internship. Interns should expect to be able to plan, carry and interpret results from these projects, always closely supported by Bio-Me's team.
Students specializing in microbiology, molecular biology, data science, IT, bioinformatics, medicine, chemistry, nutrition, and other bio-sciences students are welcomed. For the Wet Lab projects, students with some experience with the practices in a molecular biology laboratory will be preferred. For the Dry Lab projects, students with a good understanding of Bioinformatics, Data Science Biostatistics are also preferred.
Sloyd is a startup backed by topinvestors like a16z, Skyfall and Antler. We have a proprietary technology forgenerating 3D assets in realtime, 1000s of objects simultaneously. We targetgame developers, movie makers and also create synthetic 3D data for AI Visionand robotics training/simulations. We have almost 200.000 users on our webappand working with top international companies on our SDK for realtime creation.Sloyd was founded in 2021 and have 12 employees mainly in Europe, with 4located at Startuplab.
We want to experiment with thenewest GenAI and Machine Learning algorithms to improve our 3D generationcapabilities. It could be either for: - Generation of 2D tilable image textures- AI assembly of parametric parts - AI text to scene - Recognition of 3Dobjects and matching with parametric primitives - Creation of synthetic datafor simulation
Machine Learning, or AI visionstudents who have an interest in Generative AI, 3D, gaming or similar. We needdriven people who have great initiative and is not afraid of asking questionsor go the extra mile. We want to achieve great things and so should you!
Since 1985, Element Logic® has been a pioneer in optimizing warehouse performance as the world's first and largest AutoStore® partner. The 2022 acquisition of SDI has solidified our position as one of the world's largest system integrators. With the industry projected to experience double-digit growth until 2025, driven by increasing performance requirements and cost pressures on manual operations, we are well-positioned to meet the rising demand for e-commerce. At Element Logic, culture is one of our most important drivers. Having fun at work in line with the motto "One team, one dream" are values we not only have on paper but also live by every day.
Job Description
An internship is your opportunity to understand how we work. It’s also your chance to show us that you have the right skills and attitude to succeed here. Our internships are paid positions—offering opportunities to use what you’ve learned at university on real projects. You will have the opportunity to participate in one of the following projects.
Dive into the forefront of AI and Robotics with our eOperator team, where you'll contribute to the development of a self-operating piece picking robot for an autonomous warehouse. This year, the focus is to enhance the robot's self-sufficiency and dependability. By developing an advanced quality control mechanism designed to rectify order inaccuracies and optimize picking processes.
With the eLogiq team you will have the opportunity to explore the cutting edge of warehouse management. Building on last year's success, interns worked on installing sensors on robots, collecting data, and creating a predictive model using neural networks. This year's challenge involves furthering our progress toward fully autonomous warehouse operations, emphasizing tasks such as identifying and collecting crucial data, and creating essential models for self-managed warehouses.
As an intern in both projects, you’ll have the opportunity and resources to experiment with diverse solutions and will encompass a spectrum of different tasks: from simulations, optimization, and data utilization to hands-on integration with cutting-edge sensors and hardware.
What will you do:
You will join us for 2 months (middle of June to middle of August) on full time basis You will work on a project and senior mentors will support you throughout project At the end of the internship period, the candidate will present a summary of what he/she has done, learned, and potential ideas for further development and finding
Vilje Bionics is a health technology startup that offers a mobile aid assisting user-initiated force from the user's own arm and hand. Our goal is to empower those in the community who experience limitations in their lives due to functional impairments in arms and hands.To achieve this goal, we involve our users, work with leading experts in relevant fields, and collaborate as one team so we can develop valuable technology. We aim to improve each user's quality of life and work towards a future with equal opportunities for those with functional impairments in arms and hands.
The intern will support the robotics team in the development of the control of the arm exoskeleton. The work will involve tasks like the implementation and testing of embedded software, motor control strategies, and user interface control
We are looking for somebody which has a strong motivation to develop innovative medical technology. The candidate should have a background in robotics, embedded systems, informatics, or similar. We are looking for a team player that likes to work in a fast-paced and collaborative environment.
Ludenso empowers students through AR software, revolutionizing traditional learning methods. Their drag-and-drop platform enables publishers to seamlessly integrate interactive elements into educational materials, fostering engaging and immersive learning experiences. By leveraging augmented reality, students can interact with 3D models, animations, and simulations, enhancing comprehension and retention. This innovative approach not only captivates learners but also equips educators with powerful tools to cater to diverse learning styles. Ludenso's dedication to leveraging technology for educational advancement ensures that students are equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in a rapidly evolving world.
Join us as a Pedagogy Intern! Work with our diverse team to scale our EdTech company globally. Expand our 3D library using pedagogical expertise, and conduct user testing for impactful learning experiences. Revolutionize education with us!
Looking for students in: Education, pedagogy, digital learning